Description of stats





Percentage of hands, in which player voluntarily puts money into the pot preflop.


Percentage of hands, in which player raises preflop.


Player's win rate in Big Blinds per 100 hands.


Percentage of hands, in which player re-raises against an open-raise preflop.

F to 3b

Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a re-raise preflop.

4bet range

Range of hands player 4-bets with.


Percentage of hands, in which player gets to showdown after seeing the flop.


Percentage of hands, in which player wins after getting to showdown.


Percentage of hands, in which players wins after seeing the flop.

Base stats (Base)




Percentage of hands, in which player makes a continuation bet (CBet) while being a preflop aggressor. The value is common for all the pots.
CbetIP Percentage of hands, in which player makes a continuation bet (CBet) while being a preflop aggressor in position (IP). The value is common for all the pots.
CbetOOP Percentage of hands, in which player makes a continuation bet (CBet) while being a preflop aggressor out of position (OOP). The value is common for all the pots.
FvCB Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a continuation bet (CBet) while being a preflop caller. The value is common for all the pots.
FvCBIP Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a continuation bet (CBet) while being a preflop caller in position (IP). The value is common for all the pots.
FvCBOOP Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a continuation bet (CBet) while being a preflop caller out of position (OOP). The value is common for all the pots.
3Bp FvCB Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a continuation bet in a 3-bet pot. The player raise/called preflop.
3Bp FvCBIP Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a continuation bet in a 3-bet pot in position (IP). The player raise/called preflop.
3Bp FvCBOOP Percentage of hands, in which player folds to a continuation bet in a 3-bet pot out of position (OOP). The player raise/called preflop.
Bet Percentage of hands, in which player bets. The value is common for all the pots.
XR & R Percentage of hands, in which player raises or check/raises. The value is common for all the pots.
AFQ Percentage of player's aggressive actions (bet or raise). The value is calculated for each street separately.


Section PFR



R 1st

Percentage of hands, in which player raises first or open-raises. The value is calculated for each position separately.


Percentage of hands, in which player open-raises and folds to a 3-bet in position (IP).


Percentage of hands, in which player open-raises and folds to a 3-bet out of position (OOP).


Percentage of hands, in which player calls 1bb preflop.


Percentage of hands, in which player limps and calls a raise.


Percentage of hands, in which player limps and folds to a raise.


Percentage of hands, in which player limps and re-raises after being raised.


Percentage of hands, in which player re-raises against a 3-bet.


Percentage of hands, in which player 4-bets and folds to a re-raise.

Section  ColdCall




Percentage of hands, in which player bets first while not being the aggressor on previous street. The value is common for all the pots.


Percentage of hands, in which player donk-bets and then calls a raise. The value is common for all the pots.


Percentage of hands, in which player donk-bets and then folds to a raise. The value is common for all the pots.

Bet vs Mis OP

Percentage of hands, in which player bets against a missed CBet out of position (OOP). The value is common for all the pots.

Bet vs Mis IP

Percentage of hands, in which player bets against a missed CBet in position (IP). The value is common for all the pots.

Bet/Fold Tot

Percentage of hands, in which player best and folds to a raise. The value is common for all the pots.

Section 3Bet




Percentage of hands, in which player faces a raise and responds with a re-raise.

Fvs4B tot

Percentage of hands, in which player 3-bet and folds to a re-raise.


Percentage of hands, in which player faces a 4-bets and responds with a re-raise.


Percentage of hands, in which player raises after one of the opponents open-raised and another one called.


Percentage of hands, in which player Squeezed and fold to a re-raise.


Section Cbet



3BP Cb ip

Percentage of hands, in which player puts a continuation bet (Cbet) in a 3-bet pot in position (IP).

3BP Cb oop

Percentage of hands, in which player puts a continuation bet (Cbet) in a 3-bet pot out of position (OOP).


Percentage of hands, in which player check/raises postflop. The value is common for all the pots.


Percentage of hands, in which player raises postflop. The value is common for all the pots.


Aggression frequency of a player by streets


Stats Description
Win Total amount won or lost
NL No-Limit Hold'Em
PLO Pot-Limit Omaha
SH Game at 6-max tables
FR Game at 9-max tables
HU Two-player game